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A Green Paradise in the Middle of the Metropolis: Hyde Park

Living in a big metropolis like London, people are often overwhelmed by the stresses of everyday life and are often looking for an escape. Hyde Park is known as the most important place where Londoners go to get rid of this chaos. A green attraction, this park is located in the center of the city as one of the largest parks in London. Covering 142 hectares ...

a green paradise in the middle of the metropolis: hyde park
inspiring ideas

Living in a big metropolis like London, people are often overwhelmed by the stresses of everyday life and are often looking for an escape. Hyde Park is known as the most important place where Londoners go to get rid of this chaos.

A green attraction, this park is located in the center of the city as one of the largest parks in London. Covering 142 hectares, the park contains over 4,000 trees, a large lake and flower gardens. This natural environment is also home to hundreds of squirrels, hedgehogs, turtles, and birds. You may even encounter foxes in places.

The park was under the patronage of the monks of Westminster Abbey until 1536. In 1536, it was confiscated by King Henry VIII and turned into a hunting ground for the royal family and was closed to the public until the 17th century. It was only opened to the public in 1637 by decree of King Charles I.

Hyde Park is known as the oldest park in the city and has hosted many events such as protests, concerts, and festivals since it opened to the public. The park is also a preferred location for some Royal events. The gun salute, which takes place on special occasions of royal importance, draws attention as an event followed by Londoners.

The park is more than just a park, it contains many unique spaces. Among them are Serpentine Lake and Serpentine Bridge, Speaker's Corner, which hosted protests, Princess Diana Fountain and Achilleus Statue. Apart from these, many fountains, statues, and monuments welcome visitors within the boundaries of this park.

More than four thousand trees of 104 different species in the park remove approximately three tons of air pollutant particles annually and remove around four thousand cubic meters of carbon dioxide from the air and convert it into oxygen. Again, thanks to this natural ecosystem, it transfers up to three thousand five hundred cubic meters of rainwater to the city's drains without disrupting the city's quality of life.

Hyde Park is home to nearly 40% of London's tree population and provides almost 76% of the city's overall capacity to reduce carbon emissions. In short, Hyde Park is not just a park, but a huge natural habitat that also provides solutions to the city's environmental problems. When an economic projection is made, it has been reported that the financial value of these environmental contributions is equivalent to hundreds of millions of pounds of investment.

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